Honoring Recovery Month: Veterans Inc. Hosted 3rd Annual Recovery Summit
Art, Aria, & Architecture: The Recovery Oasis Discovering the latest challenges and advances in the field of recovery
Art, Aria, & Architecture: The Recovery Oasis Discovering the latest challenges and advances in the field of recovery
Art, Aria, & Architecture: The Recovery Oasis A day to learn more about the latest challenges and advances in the field of recovery.
An Evening Tribute to Our Veterans on October 19th.
Over 500 Veterans & Families Receive Essential Services & Supplies at the largest Veteran-Focused Resource Fair in Central MA.
On June 21st, Veterans Inc., in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Labor.
The largest Veteran-Focused Resource Fair in Central MA.
Veterans Inc. continues the tradition of hosting the Annual Best Ball Charity Golf Classic
The 27th Annual Best Ball Charity Golf Classic Benefits Veterans and Their Families
Event to Provide Thanksgiving Meal Supplies to 650 Veteran Families.
The Veterans Day activities are free and open to the public. Bring your family and enjoy a free pancake breakfast.
Event to support Veterans and their families in-need.
Free and Open to the Public on November 11th
Veterans Inc. brings awareness to recovery and the female veteran experiences.
More Than Our Past: Recovery and the Female Veteran Experience Live Music, Panel Discussion, and Luncheon to Commemorate Female Veterans and Their Resilience in Recovery
Event to support Veterans and their families in-need. Sunday, November 5, 2023
Veterans Inc. is honored to have received the 2023 Outstanding Member Award.
With over 850 people in attendance, Veterans Inc. Executive Director, Denis Leary, and Spectrum Health Systems, Inc. received the 2023 Partnership Award.
Over $100,000 was raised through the event. Proceeds benefit Veterans in need and their families by providing wrap-around programming.
Nearly 1,000 people were in attendance at the 18th annual Veterans Inc. Stand Down.
Event to support homeless & in-need Veterans and their families.
Fundraising event to help Veterans and their families in need through Veterans Inc. programming.
Women’s Day 2023 post release Employees heard from women in leadership as they shared their unique experiences serving our veteran community.
https://www.veteransinc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/MEDIA-RELEASE-Veterans-Inc-McGovern3.14.22.pdf McGovern Announces Funding to Support Behavioral Health Services for Veterans and Their Families
Review our Annual Giving Guide for 2022
Are you a veteran looking for assistance?