Housing Programs

The goal of the Veterans Inc. Housing Program is simple: to end chronic homelessness among veterans in our communities. Achieving that goal is complex, requiring more than putting a roof over our veterans’ heads. It requires a holistic approach that addresses the “total veteran” and his or her needs. Veterans Inc. housing comes with a full range of support services including meals, an employment and training program, legal and medical advice, and special services related to PTSD, substance use disorder, and other challenges faced by veterans. Intensive case management and counseling are provided to help veterans regain control of their lives.
Veterans Inc. has an 85% Success Rate
One of the highest in the nation – for transitioning clients out of homelessness!
Veterans returning from combat duty with PTSD, disabling physical injuries, and few if any marketable or transferable skills often can’t find or keep jobs. With no salary to support them, military families face a high foreclosure rate. Lack of support services and social isolation after discharge also contribute to homelessness. It’s a vicious cycle. Joblessness leads to homelessness, which leads to hopelessness, substance use disorder and/or depression, which limit the veteran’s ability to find a new job. The statistics are daunting:
- Veterans make up 1 in 4 of all homeless Americans.
- According to the Office of Community Planning and Development’s 2013 Annual Homeless Assessment Report, approximately 60,000 veterans were homeless at any given point during 2013.
- Over 2,100 veterans were experiencing homelessness at any given time in New England during 2013.

Veterans Inc. Brings Hope
Veterans Inc. brings hope to veterans and their families with our emergency, transitional, and long-term supportive housing. The organization operates safe, drug-and alcohol-free facilities for male and female veterans of all ages and eras. Our housing and supportive services programs give veterans a stable base from which to find or hold a job, continue their physical or mental recovery, and, ultimately, return to independent living.

Headquarters in Worcester, MA

Transitional Housing Program in Worcester, MA

Male Housing Program in Worcester, MA

Women & Children Housing Program in Worcester, MA

Behavioral Health Program in Shrewsbury, MA

Bradford, VT

Lewiston, ME

New Britain, CT